Thursday, November 11, 2010

WEAVER website links

Here are a bunch of websites that should be of interest to WEAVER fans!

WEAVER's official website - This is the band's main website. It's got news about the group, the members' blog, and information about shows, goods, etc. Be careful - it's always got one of their latest songs playing automatically when you load the page.

WEAVER's official myspace - There's not much info here that you can't find on their official site above, but there are samples of a lot of their songs, and sometimes you can hear previews of songs before they're released. Right now you can hear several new songs from their album "Shinsekai Souzouki."

the official WEAVER STAFF twitter - This is usually updated several times daily by WEAVER's managers (with the label a-sketch), and sometimes the members use the account to tweet themselves. Sugimoto tweets fairly often, and signs his tweets "sugi." They post news and announcements, but a lot of the tweets are just about what the members are up to at the moment.

English translations of WEAVER's blog - This livejournal community has English translations of the members' blog entries. Right now it's about a year behind, but hopefully it'll get caught up soon. Check it out to learn a bit about the members' personalities! Kawabe in particular updates almost daily.

And I already linked these, but once again, here are the the WEAVER livejournal community which has a bunch of archives and some goodies if you join the community, and the WEAVER facebook group, where you can get fast news updates and meet lots of other English-speaking WEAVER fans!

1 comment:

  1. Wow indeed!

    There's actually a lot of stuff out there on the internet about WEAVER, but it's hard to find! I'm just trying to use this site to spread the word about them. Please mention it to any other fans you know! :)
